Philip Wu Po Him BBS JP

Graduated in 1962 - Former Wing Lung Bank Managing Director

1962年屆 — 前永隆常務監事董事

Philip Wu Po Him graduated from St. Paul’s College in 1962. Born into a banking family, after further studies overseas, Wu served as a managing director of Wing Lung Bank from 1982 to 2008.

Outside of banking, Wu is known for participating in the city’s historical education work. He was a trustee of the Lord Wilson Heritage Trust from 1999 to 2013, chairing the trust from 2007; he chaired the government museums committee from 2004 to 2006; he was chairman of trustees within the Sir Edward Youde Memorial Fund from 2007 to 2013; he was part of the government advisory committee for revitalising historic buildings from 2008 to 2014; and he chaired the History Museum advisory panel from 2010 to 2014. He was appointed JP in 1997 and awarded the BBS in 2005.

Wu is also an educational contributor and has served on the Hong Kong Baptist University Council (2007–13) and the Hong Kong Open University (now Metropolitan University) Court (2013–19). He has also sponsored the China Candlelight Education Fund since 2000, helping mainland children living in poverty gain access to education.

While at St. Paul’s, Wu learnt tennis and became an avid player; while at the University of Hong Kong, he played for the university.