
Featuring a wide array of exhibits across the three storeys of Wong Ming Him Hall, the College History Gallery is comprised of four domains, focusing respectively on the school’s founding history, and its religious, aesthetic and sports developments.

Currently, the Gallery hosts a collection of more than 3,500 artefacts and documents, with the oldest one dating back to 1900.Taking a walk down memory lane through the history of St. Paul’s College, visitors can discover how the College and its alumni have made their marks in the history of Hong Kong and of the world. years.

You may also be interested in our heritage trail, which introduces other noteworthy sites across the rest of the campus.

Individuals or parties who are interested in visiting the College History Gallery and the Heritage Trail are welcome to contact us.

* Please note the Wong Ming Him Hall is not wheelchair accessible. A virtual version of the gallery is available as an alternative.


In 2021, we digitised our entire history gallery, allowing visitors to view what we have to offer at their leisure. Want to have a basic grasp of the place before you go? Been there, but want to revisit certain areas? Feel free to zoom around and have a look. (Full Screen Mode)