Wong Chung Ying
黃頌盈 (1919–2012)

Graduated in 1937 - Founder of Man On Hong (Present-day Toshiba Hong Kong)

1937年畢業 — 民安行創辦人 (東芝代理)

Wong Chung Ying entered St. Paul’s College as a day student, graduating in 1937. After further studies, Wong took over the family business: goods trading and distribution. Wong founded Man On Hong (present-day Toshiba Hong Kong) and operated Mantile Company, which imported dried seafood from Japan. Such entrepreneurship established him as one of the top merchants among Chinese-operated trading houses. Wong was additionally active in public affairs, once serving as the district governor of Lions Club International in Hong Kong and Macau, as a former president of the Chinese Club, and so on.

St. Paul’s left a deep impression on Wong. He particularly remembered the daily assemblies, a tradition that continues to this day. Another was the tight-knit student-teacher relationship; then-principals Arthur Stewart and later Evan Stewart would often invite students to the College hostel for casual conversation. Wong remained committed to his alma mater and once sat on the College council. He also set up the Wong Yun Tong Scholarship in 1981, named in memory of his father.