Craftspeople (工)

Class of 1899 - Titan of Hong Kong’s Early-20th-Century Infrastructure Projects

1899屆畢業 — 二十世紀香港基建泰斗

Class of 1900 - China’s First Medical Historian

1900屆畢業 — 濟世醫學院士

Class of 1918 - Modernist Architecture Educator

1918屆畢業 — 現代建築敎育家

Completed studies in 1927 - Master of Late-modernist Architecture

1927年肄業 — 現代主義建築末代大師

Class of 1931 - Pioneer in Hong Kong’s Modern Urban Landscape

1931屆畢業 — 香港近代建築工程之父

Completed studies in 1952 - Cardiothoracic Surgeon

1952年肄業 — 心臟移植醫師

Class of 1958 - Expert in rheumatology

1958屆畢業 — 醫學敎育專才

Class of 1961 - Professor of Architecture

1961屆畢業 — 城規建築大師

Class of 1967 - The Former President of the Hong Kong Medical Association

1967屆畢業 — 香港醫學會前會長

Class of 1968 - Orthopaedics and Sports Medicine Specialist

1968屆畢業 — 骨科運動醫學賢才

Class of 1970 - Leader in Urban Biogeographical Research

1970屆畢業 — 綠化環境敎育專才

Class of 1972 - Haematological Oncologist

1972屆畢業 — 血液腫瘤專家

Class of 1972 - The First Expert on Infectious Diseases of Hong Kong

1972屆畢業 — 香港首名傳染病明醫

Class of 1978 - Prime Public Health Consultant

1978屆畢業 — 公共衞生要臣

Class of 1979 - Pioneer in Electronics Engineering

1979屆畢業 — 電子工程科硏大匠

Class of 1980 - Former Director of the Hong Kong Observatory

1980屆畢業 — 天文台前台長

Class of 1977, Form 6 - Director of Stanford’s Virtual Assistant Programme 

1977屆, 中六畢業 — 史丹福大學虛擬助理硏究總監