Learned Men (士)

Class of 1861 - The First Chinese Barrister

1861屆畢業 — 首位華人大律師

Class of 1864 - One of China’s First Diplomats

1864屆畢業 — 首代中國外交官

Class of 1881 - Chinese Revolutionary of the late Qing Dynasty

1881屆畢業 — 中國近代革命家

Class of 1891 - Jurist and Foreign Minister

1891屆畢業 — 法學國際外交官

Class of 1920 - Military Academy Instructor

1920屆畢業 — 軍事領導敎育長

Studied during the 1920s - Labour Activist

1920年代就讀 — 工人運動領袖

Completed studies in 1932 - Communist Party Diplomat

1932年肄業 — 中共軍政之才

Class of 1936 - The Elder Figure in Hong Kong politics

1936屆畢業 — 香港政壇元老

Class of 1941 - Lo Chung (The Chief) of Hong Kong’s Scouts

1941屆畢業 — 香港童軍主領袖

A Faithful Founding Scoutmaster Who Gave His Life for Hong Kong


Class of 1960 - Legal Practice Pioneer and Philanthropist

1960屆畢業 — 法律業務先行者及慈善家

Class of 1963 - Scholarly Politician

1963屆畢業 — 政治敎育明才

Class of 1966 - Political Journalist

1966屆畢業 — 政治獻策家

Class of 1967, Form 7 - Analytical Economist

1967屆, 預科畢業 — 金融謀略大帥

Class of 1968 - Political Consultant

1968屆畢業 — 政治推導大律師

Class of 1966 - Distinguished Sociologist

1966屆畢業 — 政務社會學家

Class of 1968 - Government Secretary with GBS

1968屆畢業 — 金紫荊局長

Class of 1968 - Veteran Solicitor

1968屆畢業 — 經驗豐富房務律師