Ho Chung Ping MH JP

Class of 1967 - The Former President of the Hong Kong Medical Association

1967屆畢業 — 香港醫學會前會長

Ho Chung Ping graduated from St. Paul’s College in 1967. A kidney (nephrology) specialist, Ho is a former president of the Hong Kong Medical Association (2018–20).

The inspiration to enter nephrology came while Ho was a houseman at Queen Mary Hospital, shadowing urologist Edward Leong. Over the past four decades, Ho has striven to better his field with technological developments. He is an early adopter and advocate for eHealth, an electronic medical record system that aids record sharing between public and private practices, and has previously served on the government organ donation promotion committee. He has also run ‘The Kidney Classroom’, a kidney health website, allowing easier access to medical information. More recently, Ho has been doing research on how to diagnose and possibly treat polycystic kidney disease, a genetic disease for which there is no known treatment yet. He was awarded the Medal of Honour in 2007 and appointed JP in 2010.

Outside of nephrology, Ho has retained an interest in patient care and physiotherapy after his daughter suffered a life-threatening stroke in 2003. As medical education in Hong Kong matures, Ho observes that medical schools have become increasingly compartmentalised; he hopes the next generation of medics can not only further their own fields but also study broadly and learn from neighbouring fields.

Click here for an interview with Ho, specially prepared as part of this exhibition.