Professor Jim Chi Yung

Class of 1970 - Leader in Urban Biogeographical Research

1970屆畢業 — 綠化環境敎育專才

Jim Chi Yung graduated from St. Paul’s College in 1970. He is one of the world’s leading urban biogeographical researchers. His research spans multiple disciplines, including urban forestry and greening, urban design and landscape planning, soil science, and the environmental impacts of recreation and tourism, with a geographical focus on Hong Kong and the southern China region. Jim currently lectures at the Education University of Hong Kong.

Jim is an arborist in addition to doing research and giving lectures. He is a strong supporter of Hong Kong's historic trees, their preservation and conservation, and greening cities for the future. His relentless devotion to the city’s greening process earned him the sobriquet ‘tree whisperer’.

Jim fondly reminisces of his time at St. Paul’s College. He vividly remembers the teachers who gave him inspiration for his future career. The former college gardens may have sown the seeds for his environmental conservation work.

Jim tells teenagers that when it comes to their futures, they should follow their hearts instead of blindly going after fame. Using himself as an example, he recalls his dilemma between practising medicine or geography. In the end, he chose to follow his passion and choose the latter.