Professor Raymond Liang Hin Suen SBS JP

Class of 1972 - Haematological Oncologist

1972屆畢業 — 血液腫瘤專家

Raymond Liang entered our Primary School in 1961 and graduated in 1972. Liang is a former chair professor in haematology and oncology at the University of Hong Kong (HKU) and was the medical faculty’s dean during 2007–08. Since 2011, Liang has been an assistant medical superintendent at the Hong Kong Sanatorium and Hospital. Liang has helped found the Hong Kong Marrow Match Foundation in 1991 and the Hong Kong Blood Cancer Foundation in 2001. He was appointed JP in 2013 and awarded the SBS in 2015.

Liang remembers academic stress being manageable at St. Paul’s, meaning he had plenty of time to read and make friends. While students had vastly different interests, there was a strong sense of camaraderie and support. At the time, Liang was encouraged to go to the Hong Kong Arts Festival by his classmate Gabriel Kwok. This was the start of his lifelong interest in classical music.

Though Liang had an offer from overseas, he ultimately decided to study medicine in Hong Kong. While furthering his studies in London, Liang saw Hong Kong in need of medical personnel. He thus headed back in 1985, joining HKU’s teaching staff to guide the next generation and founding trusts and foundations to help patients in need.

Click here for an interview with Liang, specially prepared as part of this exhibition.