Ma Ho Fai GBS JP

Class of 1968 - Veteran Solicitor

1968屆畢業 — 經驗豐富房務律師

Ma Ho Fai enrolled at St. Paul’s College in 1963 and graduated from sixth form in 1970. A veteran solicitor, Ma specialises in conveyancing work between Hong Kong and the mainland and has worked in the profession for over four decades. He has been a China-Appointed attestation officer since 2000 and a National People’s Congress delegate from 2008 to 2023.

Ma’s energy can be seen as early as his College days. He was a prefect and a former chairman for the College’s Chinese Association, with a special interest in Chinese calligraphy; Ma was also a chorister. Ma has served the College as a former College council member in the 1990s. In addition to his legal and political work, Ma is also active in the city’s public sphere, and has chaired the Home Purchase Allowance Appeals Committee Panel, the Travel Industry Authority, and for sixteen years served as an independent director of the Travel Industry Council of Hong Kong. He was appointed JP in 2005 and awarded the GBS in 2017. .